Monday, March 9, 2009

Bad Mom...

Do you ever get up, not prepared and then have to move quickly and chaotically through your morning?


Well, I do... and I did this morning.

I'm feeling like a bad mom... kid's not wanting to get out of bed, kids in the shower for TOO long, kid's without coats (it's snowing out), kid's eating too slowly, kid's that can't get their shoes on. In the midst of it all, I keep saying... come on, we've got to go, get moving... We all know that it doesn't help, at all. If anything it panics everyone and slows the process down further. Fully knowing that, I kept saying it and thinking... I'm a bad mom...

I'm turning my bad Monday morning attitude around and I'm going to make it a great day! Please do the same...

I guess we are all guilty of bad mom moments... the key is to make the bad mom moments disappear.
If this sand picture is yours (I found it on a google image)... you are hysterical!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm definitely a member of this club, too! :) Soo...were you able to turn the day around or do you need some skivvies on your windshield? :)