18 hours in two ERs... that is how my summer began.
Pepe has an inguinal hernia (google it).
The second ER doctor manually moved it back into place. Very painful for Pepe and very painful for mom and dad to watch. He was incredible. And, he had so many meds in him that he doesn't remember the pain.
We scheduled surgery for Thursday... they need to repair it correctly. Something they strongly discourage in an emergency situation. Better to control it and then go in.
Within 24 hours after surgery the hernia had moved right back into place. So, I've been trying to keep him calm all weekend. The next ER doctor said... no pain, then leave it alone until Thursday. I'm calling the surgeon's office this morning.
It was quite an ordeal for everyone... your thoughts and prayers are very appreciated. Once the surgery is done, he will be ready to roll. We just need to get to Thursday.
OH NO!! Poor Pepe.
He is in our prayers.
praying for you all!!!!
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