If you've read my "finding church" posts, you know that this is a difficult area for me. That being said, I want to learn and find for myself.
Week 1 (last week) -- I was able to stay at bible study for 15 minutes. It was an insane evening of schedules. I persevered and was glad to make it. As I began my homework for the week I was completely overwhelmed.
- What am I doing?
- I don't belong here?
- I don't even know what they are talking about/referencing/
- You want me to pray?
- My bible... it's burried on my shelf... haven't opened it since college.
- I should quit... this isn't me.
- I can't do this?
- I didn't even know that was the name of a book in the bible?
Week 2 -- Group
Cautiously I told the group about my feelings of feeling overwhelmed and I shared my feelings of it being like reading a foreign language. The women were great and even agreed that it felt difficult to them as well. I felt better. I will keep plugging along.
The quote I pulled out of the dvd and that I will hold onto is this...
Are you looking for religion or a relationship [with God]?
The answer for me was so clear... I'm looking for a relationship.
I just wrote this really great amazing comment - insightful and heartfelt....and then Blogger ate my words.
So I will just have to say I am impressed. I'm still have 1/2 a foot in the door and am unsure of walking in.
That's what it's all about. Relationship.
GO GIRL!!! He's calling your name!
Karmyn... I bet it was amazing.
Sarah... you are so full of Him.
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