Monday, March 30, 2009

Finding Church, again :: 2

Week 2 at church. Are you impressed? Today I ventured back to the same church (UM) with all three children in tow. Pepe, was less than thrilled. I had to pull the 'MOM CARD'... I am the mom, you are 8 years old... get dressed, you are coming with me. I was feeling a bit guilty, but I got over it quickly. The boys tried to bring their basketball cards... nice try... leave them in the car.

We arrived and slowly got out of the car. Oh no, I don't see my friend. Deep breathe. I can do this. No sooner had I thought that when I heard the sound of my friends voice. Saved. It's pitiful, I know.

Into the little white church we go. Drop kids off and explain to nice lady in charge that the boys would like to stay together. At least while they are getting used to things. I back off and watch her try to ask them if they'd like to go with the younger group of older group.... no response. They are not talking to her. I can't watch a second longer. I head back over and tell the boys that it is okay to talk to the nice lady in charge. They decided to go with the older kids... a good choice, I think. Baby Girl is with her friend, holding hands and ready for church.

We leave and head to worship as we crack a few jokes about PITTING OUT and I silently hope for the best. Enter building, shake hands with the Pastor, get a program, find my seat. Ah, I made it. Music begins... it's different this week. No Praise Team, but a delightful young man on guitar singing (he has the back up guitar, drums and piano with him... just to make me know that I am in an upbeat place)... friend leans over and has coined this young man the rock-star... I like... very nice and then, yes, we are standing again. This time for 5, yes... you read right, 5 songs. I decided to wear heals... my legs were cramping. I did, however, enjoy the music.

I am again impressed with the Pastor. He even made me laugh. I was even more impressed when a man interrupted him to share his testimony. He was a man the Pastor had helped off the street. It was not the appropriate time for this man to share, but the Pastor gave him the floor and again, I was impressed. I even filled out the "friend" card... you know the one you are afraid to fill out because WHAT IF THEY THEN THINK THEY CAN CONTACT ME card. I did it though... I'm getting so mature.

Service is over. Find the kids. Baby girl has had a great time and is already trying to run the show. That's my girl. Find boys... they are smiling, throwing a paper airplane and they turn without being prompted and say thank you. WHAT??!?!??!?! I'm impressed.

The conversation on the way home in the car is pleasant and typical. Church in the little-white-church is boring... don't remember what 'the guy' (Pastor) said. But it was fun to fly airplanes and next week is Palm Sunday (impressed again... they got that much) and we can have muffins (ah, ha... they'll be back next week for mini-muffin-cafe... a true perk of this church). AND... they are having an Easter Egg hunt... with candy. Yahoo! Well, I guess they are sold on the food... I'll take it, for now.

Originally, I had planned on taking time to check out many churches. However, now that I've been twice and I've seen my kids happy and I know how much I have to stand and sing I think that I'm okay with it. There are several pros at this point...
  • Nice Pastor who can speak
  • A comfortable setting
  • Close to home
  • Mini-muffin cafe
  • Great music
  • Love the little white church for the kids
  • Friendly people
  • Programs in place for the children
  • I didn't PIT OUT today
See... that is quite a nice list for two weeks of attendance. Now, I've asked hubby to check it out. He isn't a weekly church attender and that is okay. I've known that for 15 years. It is important to me that he has a chance to see and hear and I value his opinion.

Until next week...


The Millers said...

Love this commentary! Crackin' me up! You're sounding so convincing maybe the Millers will join you on a day we don't feel like driving 45 minutes. Love your volnerability and honesty. Remember sweaty pits can be a good thing...we grown when we are unconfortable.

Rachel said...

Sounds like you are just where you're supposed to be! :) Thanks for giving us a peak into your journey! :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Next time wear flats! Sounds like you found a great palce to settle in..sound like the kids had a grand time!
How many bloggy books have you sent on? I have only had two so far, yours and Susans..I am just curious. Connie :)

Pamela said...

just remember that if you don't want to stand the whole time, you don't have to stand!

I usually sit down when I'm ready.